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4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl

4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download

4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl

4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl I live in iran and this is true story ofc not happend for all do not listen to those who says its not true story they are either brainwashed or too blind to see the truth Ive never seen this fine corroption developing on a charecter its really really good but lets cut the islamic stuff they are mostly dead now for high majority of ppl and having sex with old people its not fun The story have told whats being happening to her so now we gonna have sex scenses its really good to have hardcore stuff in female protog game and i hope u have more patreons to develop faster and creating more content i mean this game CAPABLE OF HIGH AMOUNT OF MAIN EVENTS AND SIDE EVENTS(its better than fashion buissness honestly but due to lack of patreon we see smaller content) nx for the game and good luck I belive u gonna have more patreons after update 6 bcuz of sex scenses they gonna pay for this kind content not good story Broken mess of a game. The graphics of the CGs aren’t great in particular so this kind of porn game needs to rely on story and immersion. With errors every couple frames, compounded by the actual scenes not playing due to said errors, you end up with a game where you’ll have to skip much of the content due to errors. It’s full of errors. The dialogue is badly written, sometimes it’s better, so it’s a bit inconsistent. There’s hardly any meaningful decisions, everything just happens without asking you. The story was too boring to follow, also because of the errors and bad dialogue. The renders are pretty decent. So I downloaded this game after while (Fresh start) There is ERROR in almost every second scene. Most important VIDEOS are not playing at all it says error code aswell. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES

4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl
4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl

so befor releasing I would advice dev to try it and check if there are any bugs. looks good but every second an error appears, image not found, script exception….wtf did the dev at least test the game before uploading this version? as soon as i fix it i play it again and reevaluate A unique game – a great scenario, a fantastic main character. Very interesting possibilities for developing the blackmail plots in the next parts. Graphics at a very high level of 9/10 quality The main attraction of the game is the atmosphere, script and MC – 10/10 I consider political provocativeness as a minus. A better solution would be to set the action of the game in an undefined Islamic country Deep religiosity in society is not the exclusive preserve of Iran. Indisputably 5 stars for this game. Ratings below 4 stars are completely unfair and confusing, misleading people who looking for interesting games with an interesting scenario. Decent game but the story just didnt vibe for me. I found myself feeling “bad” for the girl with so many characters around her out to get her. I also tried to leave my personal religious beliefs out of trying to enjoy the game, but certain scenes just don’t match the rest of the game. The game just felt confusing, flipping between every character being horny and the MC being modest. I wish the author good luck with the project. I think the artwork is decent, not as amazing as some have stated. First it should be noted that this game is very rough around the edges. That is, it is a RPGM game and it has no reason to be, meaning that there is a ton of pointless walking to and from locations to activate scenes. And the scene transition speed feels like it has been turned all the way down, which is pretty obnoxious.


Also, I had the game crash on me a couple times in my play through, which exacerbates the previous issue. With all that said, the story, while cliche, is well executed, and it’s setting elevates the game. That is, while I’m sure the fact it is set in Iran is going to trigger many muslims, it is refreshing and it heightens the corruption elements of the game, which is a major plus for the genre. Also, while the writing isn’t great mechanically, the character development is excellent. And the CGs and animations are well done too! This dev has a good plot for corruption. I like the way the story is unveiling itself. Graphics are okay, not fantastic, but good enough to titillate. I am sure dev’s technique will improve over time. Game playability is fair, the slow rolling of text really irks me, but that’s rpgmv for ya. Story speed is very fast, which I do like. Not much beating around the bush here, tell the story, get to the point. Really A beautifully crafted and excellent game. the fact that makes it more interesting is that it’s based on someone’s real-life story. I also feel the game revolves around the Islamic culture and values around the game. There is salah(namaz), a quotation from the Quran, and the most important Concept of the Devil and Angel in every choices you make. Also, the element of exploiting and an innocent girl make it real fun. The thing I don’t like in the game there is not much of side stories and the user doesn’t many choices to make or resist something. I would love it when the girl is forced and she tries to resist it. The developer knows how to make scenes, story, plot. She did marvelous job in first 2 updates. My only request will be to give updates occasionally and not make us wait for a long time like some other developers on this platform. Don’t Starve Together

4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl
4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl

I recommend this game to everyone. Again thanks to the developer, and request to make it hot by using more religious atmosphere/ themes. Okay, this game is very detailed! I have been in Iran, this game is a very good replica (design-wise) from the foods to the buildings. It really feels like Iran! And the story seems to have the magic of Iranian story-telling in it. It also has a very good UI and hints for lazy people like me. Excellent for a porn game. Started off like a MNF “influenced” game and continued not so great. I liked the ‘reader mode and the gamer mode’ idea. But, there’s no middle ground or pacing in this game. Fuckboy dad always teasing the girls which is shady. Developer needs to step up his game but why would he do this? He’s already making one grand with this…game. Idk what to say but I just wanna say don’t feed scams like this. Inspired by My New Family in the worst ways possible, this VN is unfortunately very subpar and, as it stands, not worth the time investment. Let’s get the inoffensive out of the way: the renders and the sound. Not the best I’ve ever seen but not the worst either, perfectly serviceable. I personally found the girls attractive, but not enough to stomach the terrible writing. Speaking of, I think every aspect of the writing is bad: the grammar, the dialogue, the plot, the characterization. It’s kind of baffling, really. The worst for me was what I would describe as “emotional exposition.” Characters start talking about how they feel, the type of trauma they went through that made them feel and act certain ways. Nobody talks like this, it takes a massive amount of introspection to figure out such things about yourself and the vast majority of people need therapy to do so. The MC’s inner monologue is also particularly egregious to me, because it’s either a repeat of something he thought 10 seconds prior or a painfully obvious observation.


To finish up, I don’t think this game can succeed without some major rewrites and other such tweaks. Also distancing it from My New Family would be a good idea, because as several people have pointed out already it kind of borders on plagiarism, especially at the beginning. Excelent game with great visuals, decent story and regular point system. Some of the logic in progress is uneven and can be improved. Example: daughter kisses you on the lips before the cheeks. With some fine tuning, it can become even better game. Burn is slow, but you can still have sex scenes, so no blue-balling here. Game incest is good girls need father and our mc as a father either gonna bang them or just dont but still incest good still let me say this for now teasing little too much for me like we bang others but we cant bang girls who sees us as a father figure or father but you can bang boring side character ? like why ? this is incest game or role play for that kind thing i dont wanna bang some moronic womans i wanna bang my daughters nothing more. Thast a big problem here teasing is anohter level here like Wife and Mother game this is doing same thing its that bad no for now not bad maybe year later ? yeah thats gonna be bad still this is good game for just incest maybe little story nothing more. Last update ruined game for me Mc gets beaten by bunch of kids like come on you survived 16 years in prison and some kids can beat you because of that they have knife and 3 people lol come on i am sure there lot of giants in prison who can one shot you feels like nothing happened him in that 16 years. Yeah drama here too so thats no no for me we dont need that mc is adult and criminal he can know things yet some bully can can do things lol thats stupid.Stationeers

4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl
4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl

Lastly we dont need other worthless characters here yet author adds them to story yeah lets waste scenes on them. I know i act like hater but i am not teasing is good but if you do that too much thats turn games to scam and sadly some of games %100 doing that i pray for this game to dont become like that really i hate some things but other than that this is deserve solid 4 for now maybe later i can change too 5 or 3 because when times come to final act authors always screw games so hard make all fans hater so lets pray for that to dont happen here. We all know the story here. A father returns to his family after a long absence. While the story does focus more on the emotional aspects, it really forgets about the realistic parts of it all. The second the father returns home he is welcomed with opens arms and they are one happy family. The girls are way too attracted to the MC with little to no reason at all and the whole thing comes across as superficial. It’s a mix of boo-hoo tragedy and interesting storytelling. Personally I think the dev is focusing too much on constantly exploring the feelings of everyone. That’d be fine with me, but the characters aren’t complicated and act unnatural. I’d rate it 3.5 but have to lower the score due to how artificial it all feels. I know, I know, it’s an adult game with sexual content but still. I’m reviewing this one a little early out of boredom and curiosity, and to hopefully get a message through to the Dev. I’ve read through the material that this takes “inspiration” from, and due to the rules of this place, I can’t mention it by name. So I will assume anyone reading this knows what I mean. This doesn’t just take inspiration from that, it practically plagiarizes it. Sure the circumstances and relationships might be changed, but there is no difference. And I want the Dev to know that they are at a crossroads at this time. You can either continue copying the worst and most overly drawn out story ever. Or you can be better than that and write something interesting.


This story start with the MC leaving prison after 16 years for something he didn’t do. He comes home, or well to his three step-daughters’ house, at least hoping to see them again. And at that point is where the roles and relationships take one of two very different paths. He either comes home to be an asshole ex-con stepdad that sexually abuses his estranged step-daughters. Or he shows up and for no reason at all they fall in love with him immediately, and he acts like he loves them too under the pretense of getting sex. And no one can tell me that isn’t true, every character he interacts with, and thought he has, is usually eyeing them up or thinking about how shitty it was that they were interrupted. The only difference between the two paths is how blatant and forceful the MC gets with the sexual assault. Spoiler alert, the angry, evil path gets you more nudie pics. I will say that is the big difference between this and the “Source Material,” instead of “so sweet it rots your teeth” and the biggest problem the MC has is how to not be bored. In this one it’s who will be the first girl I’m gonna have sex with after prison, with the facade of having an emotional connection or not. So, to the Dev, EVERY initial story beat is copied, the dreams, the motherly figure working too much, the starry eyed loving older sister, the standoffish and crass youngest that just wants to connect, the big breasted aunt figure and her daughter with body image problems. Does this sound familiar? The only difference is it’s not written over 4000 lines of redundant dialog, and for that I do thank you. But especially since right now you can still do better, please do try. And I get that two paths mean double the work, sort of, please just write better. And fix your settings/pause menu. It’s very broken. I’m glad you’re not using the 100% default RenPy UI, so I thank you for that too.

With close to 400 VNs under my belt and my own one in development, I stopped writing reviews recently, I don’t want to appear like I’m “shitting on the competition”, so now I only write reviews if I have mostly good things to say. I needed to mention this as a disclaimer, so you see where I’m coming from with my critique, negative, or positive. What drew me in the first moment was that you don’t have the typical wealthy macho MC here who only has to lift a pinky to get his dick sucked. We have a middle-aged bum here whose only success stems from charisma and/or manipulation. That creates an immediate connection most other VNs don’t. Let’s be honest, most of us will have it easier to step in the shoes of this guy than some Elon Musk meets Johnny Sins kind of male specimen. This quality, to be just familiar enough to be relatable, but still unpredictable enough to be interesting is what draws you in, it’s a motif that follows you through the entire VN. The love interests aren’t just different looking wet holes to dip your virtual stick into, they all have their own personas, interests, aspirations, reaching far beyond the regular VN where characters are only defined within the close confines of how they relate to the MC. At the same time the writing is simple. Not simplistic, simple. No convoluted trains of thought, no theatrics, every character behaves and speaks how people normally do, everyone uses verbal and nonverbal mannerisms appropriate to their socioeconomic background. That’s extremely rare to see and hard to get right.

4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl
4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED Free Download Unfitgirl

What I haven’t talked about yet, which for me is only the second most important aspect of a good story – visually represented or not – are the graphics. This is where I would say that the graphics are passable at best, if I wouldn’t have any foreknowledge in rendering, and wouldn’t know what kind of 10 year old potato of a laptop this VN has been made with. Since I do, I have to say that the developer has done an exceptional job with the hardware he’s been given, but effort only goes so far, at the end of the day all that matters is the result. So the graphics are far from exceptional, but the developer still couldn’t have done better, even if he wanted to, given his hardware limitations, which eventually factors into my scoring. The story is ok and does not try to be some masterpiece with a deep meaning, but what it does have is some interesting characters that for me felt to be introduced in a timely and well paced manner. The story itself also develops in a good manner and does know what it is so you are not sitting and reading a novel before you get any action, so for me just the right amount of story for each lewd scene. And the lewd scenes are good, maybe the animation leaves something to be desired but animations are not that important for me so its ok. Characters however are the star of the show in this game. Really nice designs that are both unique to each other and really good looking. The sound design however sucks, the moaning sound in the lewd scenes is maybe 2 seconds long and repeats forever, also all sound effects are under the music option so you cant just mute the sex sounds.. Music is ok but nothing special.Light Fairytale Episode 2 Switch NSP

Add-ons (DLC): 4 Years in Tehran UNCENSORED

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 / Windows 10-11 (32/64bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i3 @ 3.0 GHz or AMD Ryzen 3 3300X @ 3.0 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060-4GB or AMD RX 580 (4 GB VRAM with Shader Model 4.0 or higher)
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 3.08 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
Additional Notes: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse required, optional Microsoft XBOX360 controller or compatible

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 / Windows 10-11 (32/64bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i5-8250U @ 3.0 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 3500U @ 3.2 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1080 or AMD RX 6700-XT (6 GB VRAM with Shader Model 6.0 or higher)
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 3.08 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
Additional Notes: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse required, optional Microsoft XBOX360 controller or compatible


  1. Open the Start menu (Windows ‘flag’ button) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Search box, then press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab at the top of the Folder Options window and check the option to Show hidden files and folders (in Windows 11, this option is called Show hidden files, folders, and drives).
  4. Click Apply then OK.
  5. Return to the Start menu and select Computer, then double click Local Disk (C:), and then open the Program Files folder. On some systems, this folder is called ‘Program Files(x86)’.
  6. In the Program Files folder, find and open the folder for your game.
  7. In the game’s folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game–this is a faded icon with the game’s title.
  8. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window.
  9. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section. Click Apply then OK.
  10. Once complete, try opening the game again


  1. First you will need YUZU Emulator. Download it from either Unfitgirl, .. Open it in WinRar, 7ZIP idk and then move the contents in a folder and open the yuzu.exe.
  2. There click Emulation -> Configure -> System -> Profile Then press on Add and make a new profile, then close yuzu
    Inside of yuzu click File -> Open yuzu folder. This will open the yuzu configuration folder inside of explorer.
  3. Create a folder called “keys” and copy the key you got from here and paste it in the folder.
  4. For settings open yuzu up Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics, Select OpenGL and set it to Vulkan or OpenGL. (Vulkan seems to be a bit bad atm) Then go to Controls and press Single Player and set it to custom
  5. Then Press Configure and set Player 1 to Pro Controller if you have a controller/keyboard and to Joycons if Joycons. Press Configure and press the exact buttons on your controller After you’re done press Okay and continue to the next step.
  6. Download any ROM you want from Unfitgirl, .. After you got your File (can be .xci or .nsp) create a folder somewhere on your PC and in that folder create another folder for your game.
  7. After that double-click into yuzu and select the folder you put your game folder in.
  8. Lastly double click on the game and enjoy it.

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