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Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl

Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download

Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl

Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl Hopefully, you don’t need me to tell you that Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 is an exceptional game. I mean, IGN’s reviewed the game twice now — once as a standalone game and again as the director’s cut known as FES — and each time the advice was simple: play this game. Now, the Shin Megami Tensei title is back as Persona 3 Portable, a hybrid that packs the story of Persona 3, the improvements of FES, and a new female character that’s the PSP’s own. It’s a hodgepodge that keeps what works while dealing with the limitations of the PSP, but it’s still a stellar game that people looking for a Japanese RPG or cool story should play. The thing that’s always made me a Persona 3 fan is the story, and that remains largely untouched here. You’re a transfer student in modern day Japan and upon arriving at your new home, you discover that this isn’t just another boarding school. Every night at midnight, the citizens around you turn into coffins and a tower packed with evil beings known as “Shadows” appears. A select group of people has the ability to stay lucid during this “Dark Hour” and fight the Shadows. This group is the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES); they’re all students, and you’re one of them. Yup, it’s like Buffy the Vampire Slayer got into a head-on collision with the JRPG genre. The rad story spills over into some rad gameplay. At night, you’ll head to Tartarus with members of the SEES and battle all sorts of Shadows — blobs of black, flying monsters, and so on. You’ll fight them with swords and arrows, but your main avenue of vengeance are Personas, representations of the SEES members’ personalities. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES

Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl
Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl

These are massive creatures that pack special attacks such as fire moves and lasers and all sorts of crazy crap. They’re nifty, and as you play, you’ll be able to combine Personas to create super-powerful allies. As you progress, your character and his or her Personas are leveling up off of the experience points you’re earning, you’re climbing to higher and higher levels of Tartarus, and the foes you face are getting tougher and tougher. However, this battling is just going on at night. During the day, Persona 3 plays like a simulation game. You take your character to school, go to classes, join clubs and basically live like a high schooler. You’ll need to answer questions in lectures and remember your work schedule while balancing time with your buddies. All of these decisions play into your character’s stats — charm, academics and courage — and influence the way the world sees you, but the bigger deal is making time for your friends. As you make acquaintances, you’re establishing “social links.” You strengthen these social links by hanging out and interacting with the people you’ve met, and in turn, those relationships make your Personas stronger. To kick ass on the battlefield, you need to pay as much attention to your social life as you do to what type of equipment you’ve armed yourself with for a night in Tartarus. That’s all kinds of awesome — especially because you’re choosing what you’re saying and whom your spending time with. Your social network is completely made up of your personal decisions. All of that is nifty, but you could’ve gathered that by reading the two previous Persona 3 reviews. What’s good and bad about the PSP version of this award winner? Well, most of it’s good, so let’s get the bad out of the way first. The beautiful anime cutscenes from the original game are gone. Instead, the story is told through static screenshots and voiceovers.

Persona 3 Portable Experience this dark, emotional journey through two distinct protagonists’ perspectives for twice the social possibilities.

Similarly, there’s no more third-person free-roaming. You can still choose where you want to go after most classes, but now you just move a circle to interactable objects on the screen. You no longer walk your character through the halls of Gekkoukan. Both of these losses hurt the experience — but they don’t come near crippling it. Losing the anime cutscenes is a bummer because they looked so good, but the story is easy enough to follow and I found myself connecting with the characters almost as much this way. The same can be said for the new navigation scheme. It works and gets you around, but you lose some of that immersion that came from wandering Japan. This game was already a few years old, and these handicaps make it feel its age. Should any of that make you bail on Persona 3 Portable? No. I’ve already mentioned the solid story and cool battles, but Atlus has tossed a bunch of other stuff in here to make Persona 3 Portable feel as fresh as possible. For starters, you can now control all the members of your party — a welcome addition, let me tell you. Back when you and I were playing Persona on the PS2, we had to rely on the AI to make the right choices in battle — whom to heal, what Persona to use, etc. Now, you can switch tactics mid-battle and make those choices on your own. This is an awesome addition that makes the Persona 3 Portable battle system all the better. The other big addition — looking past the game’s option to install data to your memory stick, its two new difficulty settings, and so on — is that of a brand new character: a female protagonist. If you’ve played Persona 3 before, this change in the point of view is super-refreshing as the dialogue with other characters is now completely different.Light Fairytale Episode 2 Switch NSP

Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl
Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl

That “are they or aren’t they” tension between the male protagonist and Yukari is gone, you being short with Junpei has a different connotation to it, and so on. Though Persona 3 was actually the fourth mainline release in the series, the meme goes that it was really the first because Atlus just refuses to acknowledge the previous games. As a fresh start for the series, Persona 3 was eventually followed up with not one, but two ‘final’ versions that each had important new features which didn’t appear in the other version. The version that was chosen for the modern remaster was Persona 3 Portable, which originally saw release on the PSP in the late 2000s. Though it certainly feels like an aging portable game, P3P shows that it’s still got it where it counts; despite some drawbacks, this remains an enjoyable and engaging RPG. Much like other releases in the series, P3P follows an ensemble cast of high school characters led by your silent protagonist, who in this case is a transfer student who returns to their hometown ten years after the death of both their parents. Things quickly take a darker turn when you experience the mysterious Dark Hour, a hidden, liminal time just after midnight when a creepy moon shines brightly and all humans briefly turn into standing coffins. Those who have the power to summon Personas, however, retain their humanity during this time, and it’s not long before you get roped into joining an after-school club of other Persona users who have banded together to fight back the Shadows that emerge during the Dark Hour and are trying to investigate what’s going on. Together, you slowly explore and battle through an enormous tower called Tartarus at night, hoping to find answers at its summit. We appreciated the overall darker tone of this narrative, as death is a frequent theme that informs the events and decisions that take place over this 60+ hour story.

Live through a full school year packed with daily events as you forge precious bonds with unforgettable characters.

That’s not to say P3P is missing its moments of levity—there’s certainly plenty of the lighthearted high school antics many fans of the later games will be familiar with—but there’s a much heavier and more menacing vibe to the plot here. This doesn’t necessarily make it better or worse than the later releases in the series, but we did appreciate how it gives P3P its own distinct kind of identity. The only shortcoming here is that the pacing can feel a little off in some places. Your progress through Tartarus is often gated at key points until you pass a certain date in-game, and there are times when it feels like the story is a little too ‘stop-start’. For example, you’ll defeat a boss, uncover or progress several interesting threads related to the main plot, then be stuck for several in-game weeks spinning your wheels and feasting on breadcrumbs while waiting for the next major plot development to take place. Luckily, the gameplay is engaging enough that these slow periods are still enjoyable, but we would’ve appreciated more evenly balanced plot development. Gameplay follows the tried-and-true formula of mixing together life-sim elements with more traditional dungeon crawling. By day, you go to school, hang out with friends, and work part-time jobs. By night, you step into Tartarus with your friends and clear out floor after floor of Shadows, all while picking up money and equipment along the way. Though it can take a few hours out of the gate for this gameplay loop to find its footing, things fit together impressively well once you get into a routine with your character and begin to pursue various goals for them. In your daytime life, for example, time is your most precious and limited resource.Stationeers

Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl
Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl

You’ll build up a stable of friends and allies via Social Links, and strengthening your relationships with each individual will see your character receive some important benefits when fusing new Personas. The problem is, you usually only have time to hang out with one person after school each day, and that’s if you choose not to work one of your jobs or participate in other activities. Worse yet, not spending enough time with a given Social Link, or saying the wrong thing when you’re with them, can lead to your Link with them declining or breaking completely. How you plan out your days and weeks can thus be a precarious balancing act as you attempt to maximize your character’s abilities while mitigating any losses. And it really will be a blast from the past, because Persona 3’s port largely optimizes the 2009 PlayStation Portable release, itself an improvement on the PlayStation 2 original, released in 2007 in America. There aren’t vast leaps forward from the PSP version here; it’s simply the same game available to a much wider (and activated) audience. It’s also especially important considering the obsolescence of stores on Sony’s older platforms. Persona 3 Portable’s option to choose a female protagonist is a welcome change after two silent men. Her dialog is more fun, and the option to date men is refreshing, though same-sex pairings are still sadly off the table in this port. Although the game warns me at the start that the female protagonist is supposed to be played the second time around, I dive in anyway. Persona 3 Portable tells the darkest story in the modern Persona franchise. Yes, Persona 4 follows a murder mystery, but there is plenty of levity and humor. Persona 3, however, assails me with death at every turn.

Climb the looming tower of Tartarus, take down powerful Shadows, and investigate the mysteries of the Dark Hour.

Every student has a terribly tragic past – many are orphans, or have rocky relationships with their parents, if they are alive. And most of the social links I spend my afternoons and evenings developing involve tragic figures struggling through depression. The game’s supernatural event, The Dark Hour that follows midnight, turns all non-participating humans into glowing coffins while Persona users run amok. This is made all the more macabre by how the party members summon their Persona powers: by putting a fake gun to their head and pulling the trigger. While these guns, the Evokers, aren’t real or loaded, they symbolize the required sacrifice for wielding a Persona in this universe. For many, it may come across in poor taste. Persona 3’s turn-based combat portion largely takes place in an infinite-dungeon tower called Tartarus, which only appears during the Dark Hour. Scaling Tartarus’ myriad floors is critical in gaining experience before larger boss battles, which happen once a month at the full moon. This means spending hours grinding through randomly generated floors that rarely vary in their color schemes, sneaking up on shadow enemies, and targeting their weaknesses, over and over again. The combat and its menus strongly resemble Persona 4 Golden, but without the variety of different dungeons. Persona 5 elevated the dungeon experience by giving its palaces unique gameplay conceits, so the regression for players, like myself, who are playing the series in reverse chronological order will be very stark.

While it’s possible I overprepared for each boss fight by running through each new section of floors more than once, it felt necessary, at the time, to ensure that my characters were strong enough. The grind sometimes feels comfortable in its rhythms, but it also sometimes requires a podcast to alleviate the monotony. Tartarus and boss fights are the only instances when I’m allowed to freely move my character. In the daytime overworld map section, I’m limited to a fixed overhead view and a cursor. This feels a bit out-of-body, and while I’m not wasting time locomoting around the labyrinth of Gekkoukan High, it also means the social elements are fleeting – small palate-cleansers before I take another plunge into Tartarus. Later Persona games added a lot more activities and diversions to the slice-of-life, calendar-based side of things. By comparison, Persona 3 Portable is pared down. I had little to do at night for the first few months besides study, work in a cafe, or chat with one social link who I quickly maxed out. I worried I might have been missing something crucial. I appreciate some simplicity. There are three, not five, social stats to manage: academics, courage, and charm. That streamlines some of my activity choices, and I don’t have to stress about raising my kindness. But some social links are gated behind the highest stat level. I haven’t completed the game, but I don’t think I’ll ever become genius enough to hang out with intimidatingly icy Mitsuru, our team founder who is also student council president and rides a motorcycle, no less. (Mitsuru is cool, but maybe not 100 hours of new game plus cool.)

Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl
Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl

It also takes much longer to reach the meat of Persona 3’s story, compared to later entries, and there are long stretches of time between significant story beats. The game starts at the beginning of the school year in April. In July, I finally encountered my main enemies; they benefit from the Dark Hour and will do anything to thwart my attempts to end it. The plot really kicks off in September, though, after I’ve met the full cast and have a swarm of characters I can drag along dungeon crawling. By October and November, more than 60 hours in, I finally understand the stakes. I think this story is one every new Persona convert should experience, but it’s a big ask without the variety (both in slice-of-life activities and dungeons) of the newer games. While this port is a lovely up-rezzed version of an aging classic, I’m surprised there wasn’t much added beyond the ability to quick-save in Tartarus or other places and return to the title screen. Still, after getting fully sucked into Persona 5 in 2017, I had fully intended on playing Persona 3 after so many people had told me it was their favorite entry. While the systems don’t hold up when stacked against the newer titles, I found its bleaker tone more endearing and lovable. It takes work to get to the end, but the complicated, messy, weird story is worth it. Shortly after transferring to Gekkoukan High School, the protagonist encounters the “Dark Hour.” Unfamiliar stillness swallows the city, people turn into eerie coffins, and otherworldly monsters called Shadows swarm. When they are attacked by one of these Shadows, and all hope seems lost, the power of the heart, their Persona is awakened.Insurmountable

Add-ons (DLC): Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP

NSP Format  Steam Sub 93305 Steam Sub 802945 Steam Sub 802953
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10 or higher
Processor: Intel Core i3-540 or AMD Phenom II X4 940
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730, 1 GB or AMD Radeon R7 240, 1 GB
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 10 GB available space
Additional Notes: Low 720p @ 60 FPS.

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: –
Processor: –
Memory: –
Graphics: –
DirectX: –
Storage: –
Sound Card: –
Additional Notes: –


  1. Open the Start menu (Windows ‘flag’ button) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Search box, then press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab at the top of the Folder Options window and check the option to Show hidden files and folders (in Windows 11, this option is called Show hidden files, folders, and drives).
  4. Click Apply then OK.
  5. Return to the Start menu and select Computer, then double click Local Disk (C:), and then open the Program Files folder. On some systems, this folder is called ‘Program Files(x86)’.
  6. In the Program Files folder, find and open the folder for your game.
  7. In the game’s folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game–this is a faded icon with the game’s title.
  8. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window.
  9. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section. Click Apply then OK.
  10. Once complete, try opening the game again


  1. First you will need YUZU Emulator. Download it from either Unfitgirl, .. Open it in WinRar, 7ZIP idk and then move the contents in a folder and open the yuzu.exe.
  2. There click Emulation -> Configure -> System -> Profile Then press on Add and make a new profile, then close yuzu
    Inside of yuzu click File -> Open yuzu folder. This will open the yuzu configuration folder inside of explorer.
  3. Create a folder called “keys” and copy the key you got from here and paste it in the folder.
  4. For settings open yuzu up Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics, Select OpenGL and set it to Vulkan or OpenGL. (Vulkan seems to be a bit bad atm) Then go to Controls and press Single Player and set it to custom
  5. Then Press Configure and set Player 1 to Pro Controller if you have a controller/keyboard and to Joycons if Joycons. Press Configure and press the exact buttons on your controller After you’re done press Okay and continue to the next step.
  6. Download any ROM you want from Unfitgirl, .. After you got your File (can be .xci or .nsp) create a folder somewhere on your PC and in that folder create another folder for your game.
  7. After that double-click into yuzu and select the folder you put your game folder in.
  8. Lastly double click on the game and enjoy it.

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