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A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl

A Total War Saga: TROY Free Download

A Total War Saga: TROY Free Download Unfitgirl

A Total War Saga: TROY Free Download Unfitgirl The work never stops when you’re trying to organise a holiday to Troy with a bunch of your Greek mates. I just want to smash some walls, but I’ve got soldiers freaking out about bad omens, centaurs that need fed, petulant deities setting fire to shit like bored pyromaniac teens, and people pestering me endlessly about bronze they really don’t need. Get your own bronze, Achilles! A Total War Saga: Troy never lets up. With Thrones of Britannia, the previous Saga, Creative Assembly chipped away at systems and tossed out others, including agents, trade and military buildings, leading to a brisk, streamlined war. Troy, which is being steered by Creative Assembly Sofia, throws most of it back in—for better or worse. It’s a dense, complex conflict that’s a collision of old and new ideas, some of which are brilliant, while others probably needed a bit more time in the kiln. If you’ve read The Iliad, The Odyssey or any of the other epic Greek dramas that serve as Troy’s inspiration, you’ll know that everyone’s kind of a dick, especially the gods. Thanks to some divine meddling, this Orlando Bloom-looking arsehole runs off with Helen, the Spartan queen, and takes her back to the titular city, plunging the Aegean into a brutal war. Troy still lets you fight whomever you want, but everyone is ultimately gearing up for this big brawl between east and west. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES

A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl
A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl

Each of the eight factions has its own narrative-driven epic quest, but victory only happens when you’ve destroyed your adversaries across the sea, something that will be a lot easier if you’ve wrangled your neighbours into a big alliance or swallowed them up through conquest or a confederation. It’s an all-encompassing conflict that leads to Troy being the most purposeful Total War I’ve ever played. While you’re getting ready for the big showdown, however, there are a lot of distractions. Troy’s shtick is that it’s trying to present a more grounded version of mythology. There are minotaurs, centaurs, giants and more, all of which can be fielded in battle—but really they’re just humans. Giants are just big hairy dudes, for instance, while centaurs are simply warriors on horseback. There are gods, too, and while you won’t see Poseidon swimming around, not showing them the proper respect will lead to disasters like earthquakes and fires. One of my generals got very sad when Aphrodite ‘made’ his wife cheat on him. Appeasing the gods means killing loads of bulls in their name. It’s a meaningful sacrifice, too, because those bulls would normally feed your troops. As well as keeping them happy, these sacrifices effectively level the gods up, giving you more passive bonuses and even letting you recruit new units and agents. Trying to find the right balance and keeping as many gods as possible in your pocket is a tough juggling act, and it’s easy to forget about them when you’re embroiled in a war, but the extra layer of micromanagement is worth it for the specialisation options it opens up.

A turn-based odyssey – The campaign

Food isn’t the only resource you need to worry about. There’s wood, stone, bronze and gold, which you’ll need to fund your building and recruitment efforts. The range of resources means that, even if you’ve got a deficit somewhere, you’re probably still going to be able to build or recruit something, and it’s a rare turn where there’s nothing to do. These new resources also create targets, directing the flow of your conquest of the Aegean. Every province contains a fortified capital city and some smaller settlements tied to a particular resource. If you’re running low on food, you can take a quick look at the map and see where all the food-producing settlements are, so you know where to send your starving spearmen and minotaurs. These provide a constant supply of resources, but some also have additional finite resource nodes that offer an even larger haul, so you’ll want to grab them before another faction exhausts them. These resource wars give the early game a lot of momentum, but it doesn’t last. I finished my first game around turn 100, but I barely had to think about my stores and larders after 40. There are just so many ways to get resources, through multiple buildings, trade and, if you’re playing as King Agamemnon of Mycenae, demanding it from vassals as tribute. Unfortunately, that won’t stop the AI from constantly pestering you for a bit of bronze. There’s yet to be a Total War where the AI won’t spam you with requests, but here it’s especially egregious. It doesn’t matter if they’ve got a massive stockpile, they will beg you for more. Rocket League Season 1

A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl
A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl

I’m not sure what to make of the AI. On the campaign map, it can be a competent opponent one minute, only for it to spend the next 10 turns aimlessly sailing around the Aegean not actually doing anything. This was especially noticeable when I went to war with the Amazons. Once you’ve become a big strategic threat, you’re assigned an antagonist. Just like real life! This is another powerful faction that’s got some grudges against you, and the only way to win the conflict is outright annihilation. Your allies will generally leave it up to you, and there’s no option for diplomacy. It’s a neat feature that leans into the most aggressive parts of Total War, and it means there’s a bit more to the conflict than just conquering or defending Troy. The Amazons, unfortunately, never even made it to Greece. The war went on for many turns, but despite being told that they were poised to start sacking all my undefended settlements, they seemed happy to potter around in the sea. In the real-time fights, the AI seems to have a better handle on things. I’ve spotted my adversaries making dumb decisions, but fighting a perfect opponent wouldn’t be much fun. What’s most noticeable is their reactivity. They’re less committed to their strategies and can quickly adapt, leading to battles that have a much more exciting flow.

Blessed Champion – The Factions & Gods

The first thing I noticed, as a long-time fan of this series, is that A Total War Saga: Troy is extremely and unabashedly stylish. The world is ringed by surreal, soaring mountains that suggest ancient Greek pottery. The battle resolution animation shows the opposing generals fighting theatrically under a heavenly spotlight. The color palette is perfect for making me feel as though I’ve been transported to the Bronze Age world. And this personality seeps over into a fairly satisfying campaign as well. There are some cracks in this ornate amphora, particularly when it comes to AI, but unlike the previous Saga game it’s not a black sheep of the Total War family. Creative Assembly has been getting better and better at faction design with almost every game and DLC pack it’s released in the last few years, and Troy’s playable campaign factions are no exception. As Achilles, you have the invigorating task of defending your title as the undisputed heavyweight champion of the Aegean, with a roster of aggressive, mobile melee units to back you up. As Hector, you have to constantly compete for your dear father’s affection with your annoying kid brother who got us into this mess in the first place, in hopes of eventually inheriting the city of Troy. The tough, tanky spearmen in his roster play great with defensive terrain and holding cities against assault. Each leader I played felt distinct and interesting, in terms of goals, campaign abilities, and fighting style. Rugby 22

A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl
A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl

These heroes also have their own dramatic, story-based win conditions called Homeric Victories that walk them through some of the highlights of their role in the Iliad, such as Menelaus having to reclaim Helen and Hector having to make sure the city of Troy does not fall. This is a great nod to the source material, and helps further differentiate each campaign – and it’s great that it doesn’t get in the way if you want to pursue a more traditional Total War victory instead. Sometimes answering Agamemnon’s call to war can be a bit more trouble than it’s worth. There are also some special, discoverable objectives with unique rewards, like becoming Anax – basically a tribal king – of one of the map’s several geographic areas. The map, as I mentioned, is absolutely stunning.The map, as I mentioned, is absolutely stunning. From the lush, hilly valleys of the Peloponnese to the rocky, rugged islands of the Cyclades scattered across the wine-dark sea, every corner is a joy to explore. Undiscovered areas are covered in a beautiful weathered texture like baked clay, with ancient writing floating across the surface forebodingly. Sailing into this unknown causes the edges to visually burn away in a fantastic, subtle effect. Everything about this world and this interface radiates personality. And on the ground, when battle is joined, period-accurate mud brick houses and simplistic farms remind you just how far back in time we’ve travelled. Most historical strategy games act like nothing before Alexander the Great is even worth mentioning, so the novelty of a Bronze Age setting is refreshing and effective.


Interacting with other leaders is often not as pleasant, though. While the convenient Quick Deal feature from Three Kingdoms makes a return, foreign leaders make a nuisance of themselves by spamming requests for absurdly lopsided trade deals, or constantly asking for free gifts of resources while offering nothing in return. It’s an issue that used to crop up in older Total War games, but I had thought we were past it by now. No, Lycomedes, you can’t have 250 bronze for free. And you can’t have it when you inevitably come back next turn, either. It’s not that I can’t afford it, though. In Troy’s economy it’s possible to be producing enough food by Turn 50 to easily trade for whatever else you need. The flexibility of the barter system, which replaces money with other resources like wood, stone, and bronze, is great in theory; especially with the stronger infantry requiring relatively scarce bronze to train and upkeep, I can see what the designers were going for. But as the game goes on, scarcity decreases to the point that everyone can have everything they want, more or less. And having practically infinite resources takes a lot of the tension and decision-making out of the strategy layer. These kinds of AI quirks extend to the battlefield as well, particularly with ranged units set to skirmish mode. All too often it results in them getting stuck on the terrain, or suicidally charging into the enemy melee troops for no clear reason instead of attacking and falling back like they’re supposed to. Epic heroes, likewise, will sometimes get stuck in an animation loop and be rendered useless, or do a 180 in the middle of the fray to launch a powerful area attack that only hits grass. Along with a handful of crashes to desktop when opening certain interface windows, this all makes it clear that this odyssey could have used a little more polish.

A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl
A Total War Saga TROY Free Download Unfitgirl

Siege battles are a bit less enjoyable. Most of the time, the only siege weapons you’ll have access to until much later on are battering rams, so you can’t punch a hole in the walls without actual divine intervention. Scaling the walls with ladders can be borderline suicidal, inflicting hugely disproportionate casualties on the attackers even when using high quality assault troops. If you have the luxury of time, it’s almost always better to surround a city and wait for them to starve themselves into submission. This is accurate for the era, but it can also take away from the drama and momentum of a campaign as your conquests turn into waiting games. Dull sieges are accurate for the era, but can take away from the drama.There are several other things I found counter-intuitive as a long-time fan of the series, but they fell into place nicely once I could see past my preconceptions. Two-handed spearmen, for example, are essentially the replacement to heavy shock cavalry and should be used for rear and flanking charges – not at all like how we’re used to using spearmen in other Total Wars. Likewise, managing the positioning of skirmish troops while keeping an eye on everyone’s stamina bars can turn the tide in big ways. It definitely takes some getting used to, but is plenty satisfying once you do. And despite being so infantry-focused, the diversity between factions and even within a given faction’s roster offers plenty of options to pursue different playstyles. Rugby 22 PS5

Troy’s battles also suffer early on from an issue that’s also prevalent in Three Kingdoms: Low-tier units are simply too easy to rout. Until you have the buildings and the bronze to start hiring higher-tier line troops, a lot of battles can feel like more of a joust than anything. One side will simply crumble before you really have any time to maneuver. I find these kinds of engagements very chaotic and unsatisfying, and it had me wishing for a game setting to tweak the base unit morale or make the overall battle tempo to be a bit less hectic. Mods usually come along to fix stuff like this eventually, but that’s not a great excuse for the developers to ignore it. Troy represents possibly the most significant evolution of Total War’s combat in years. Aside from chariots and special mythological units like the centaur, there’s no cavalry. It’s all about infantry this time, but the troop roster is just as diverse. It does mean that veteran players will need to drop some old notions, like spearmen being defensive units that protect your army against cavalry attacks. Indeed, one of the first spearmen units you’ll recruit is actually a fast, mobile charging unit that you’ll want to rush in with and then pull out quickly—not unlike cavalry. For Total War, that feels a bit counter-intuitive, so expect some cock-ups before you get used to them.

Add-ons (DLC):A Total War Saga: TROY

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Win 7 64
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.0GHz / AMD Athlon II X3 455
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 5770 1024MB or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
System Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: 26 GB Hard drive space
DirectX 11 Compatible Graphics Card

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Win 10 64
Processor: Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz / AMD Ryzen 5 2600X 6-Core 3.6GHz
Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 270X or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4GB
System Memory: 8 GB RAM
Storage: 26 GB Hard drive space


  1. Open the Start menu (Windows ‘flag’ button) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Search box, then press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab at the top of the Folder Options window and check the option to Show hidden files and folders (in Windows 11, this option is called Show hidden files, folders, and drives).
  4. Click Apply then OK.
  5. Return to the Start menu and select Computer, then double click Local Disk (C:), and then open the Program Files folder. On some systems, this folder is called ‘Program Files(x86)’.
  6. In the Program Files folder, find and open the folder for your game.
  7. In the game’s folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game–this is a faded icon with the game’s title.
  8. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window.
  9. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section. Click Apply then OK.
  10. Once complete, try opening the game again


  1. First you will need YUZU Emulator. Download it from either Unfitgirl, .. Open it in WinRar, 7ZIP idk and then move the contents in a folder and open the yuzu.exe.
  2. There click Emulation -> Configure -> System -> Profile Then press on Add and make a new profile, then close yuzu
    Inside of yuzu click File -> Open yuzu folder. This will open the yuzu configuration folder inside of explorer.
  3. Create a folder called “keys” and copy the key you got from here and paste it in the folder.
  4. For settings open yuzu up Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics, Select OpenGL and set it to Vulkan or OpenGL. (Vulkan seems to be a bit bad atm) Then go to Controls and press Single Player and set it to custom
  5. Then Press Configure and set Player 1 to Pro Controller if you have a controller/keyboard and to Joycons if Joycons. Press Configure and press the exact buttons on your controller After you’re done press Okay and continue to the next step.
  6. Download any ROM you want from Unfitgirl, .. After you got your File (can be .xci or .nsp) create a folder somewhere on your PC and in that folder create another folder for your game.
  7. After that double-click into yuzu and select the folder you put your game folder in.
  8. Lastly double click on the game and enjoy it.

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