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The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl

The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download

The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl

The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl The story didn’t catch my attention, because looks too forced, a lot of cenversation and mentions are about spain/barcelona, and even mentions of food. Decisions don’t change much how the game evolves, because in one conversation you can take like 3 decisions, you choose an option and you lose 3 points with Neus but in the next 2 decisions you can win or lose more or less of those points, so mostly you can mess up one conversation but in the next you will recover them. Some conversations are really boring, she ask you if you know about something about eggs, meat and milk, and she start to explain you. I’ll tell you something dev “don’t care”, just let me play without asking me nonsense, one girl invites you to the museum, she start to ask you about art and you can win or lose points based on that. I don’t care abour art and even I don’t understand, why I would want someone to ask me about that in a game? And more coming from a girl that was really rude and treated the MC like a stupid kid. In one moment I just started to skip everything just to see what it has. So almost 6 years of development and I can’t say that is a game I wouln’d play, there are other new VNs with drawn art and they acomplished more in content, art and story than this VN in 5 years, and I said that because I just played one and took me like 5 hours complete it the until the last update and I didn’t get bored for even a second.  Here I get bored after 10 minutes. Gameplay consists of making choices. There is frequently a frustrating lack of choice.Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES

The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl
The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl

From what I’ve played it looks like a few of the choices do have consequences and lead down different routes. Story is bad. Writing is at a high school level. Maybe this is because it’s translated. But what’s worse is the cast. You play as the goody two-shoes adopted boy who stops his evil jock bully friend from beating a misunderstood goth vegan feminist witch. To turn your friend back you have to go on a few dates with the witch who secretly only wants to be loved. Yes, it’s that cringy. Porn is nothing special. I didn’t like the art. In the devs own words, this is a game with porn rather than a porn game. And a good game needs to have either good gameplay or a good story, neither of which you’ll find here. Overall I don’t think I am going to continue playing or $upporting this title. The comment made by Neus to the response I chose in the public toilets scene (see my spoilers if you want the details), was what finally made me decide this game wasn’t worth following. Though I don’t like the direction they took Neus as a character, I can understand it, and given the backstory that was written for her, I can accept many of the revelations that were revealed during the last dates question period as well as by red eyes after the date concludes. However, the comments from the characters in response to the player’s decisions are an indicator of the directions that the authors have decided to take those characters. As it sits now this means that I personally don’t get enough enjoyment out of this title, as my dislike for the characters and their seeming preferences.


Now outweighs any ‘like’ or interest I had in them or the continuation of the story. To put it another way, the writing and direction are now no longer enjoyable enough to warrant either my playtime or my $upport. As a side note; I speak Spanish, fluently and regularly talk and correspond in this language (probably as much or more as I do in English). So my ‘dislike’ isn’t some translation issue, or me ‘not getting’ the content. This tedious clickfest is brought to you by the Barcelona board of vegan tourism. V0.15.06: This vile story of Wikipedia entries is populated by characters who are rapacious, vindictive, stupid, and wholly unsympathetic. Side characters arrive, contribute nothing to the story, then vanish without consequence. Add to that an art style that would be more at home in an action scene from One Punch Man, and you’ve got a LOT of boring filler with a thin witchcraft plot draped over it. Desperately needs editing, in its current form a complete waste of time. After an incident that takes place at your art school which involves your childhood friend and an odd girl from your class, strange things begin to ensue. The body of your friend starts transforming into the one of the opposite sex and you’re conflicted as to how to feel about it. It turns out that the odd girl has bewitched him in order to teach him a lesson for assaulting her, however she might also have some ulterior motives concerning you. In the midst of all this, there’s also a quite attractive woman in your class that suddenly begins to display her interest in you. You begin to unravel the truth about rather magical and unbelievable things which you didn’t think were possible.WWE 2K16

The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl
The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl

Is the odd girl as innocent as she looks or does she hold a dark secret? How to feel about the transformation of your friend – should you try to help him get his old body back or embrace the changes? Is the attractive woman really interested in you or does she have an agenda of her own which secretly involves you? Or perhaps there are other forces lurking in the shadows and watching your every move that you’re unaware of? It’s time to piece this puzzle together and find out! An interesting VN that features adult content and romance if the player chooses to but mostly revolves around a moderately dark fantasy story. The story focuses on three characters, mainly the MC, his friend who got turned into a woman by the third character, a goth looking witch that hides much more than initially is shown and told by her. The visuals are nicely drawn and while there is a substantial amount of text and dialogue in the game it is well written and interesting to read as well as features choices on how to proceed with the story and character relationships. Overall a good story-focused VN but the game is incomplete, and I personally suggest waiting to its completion since while it is playable in its current state half of it is in raw shape and missing end game parts. Amazing artwork so far, story is engaging and involves you emotionally. Dude, I fell in love with the characters and I would actually feel bad to wrong some of them (especially Neus). I spent two days playing until 6 or 7 am just because I was so curious what will happen. Sex scenes are good, but made especially good because you connect with the characters with that complex story I mentioned above.


Music is just right, it kicks in exactly when it needs to, to accentuate the story plot. Not gonna lie dudes, came to bust a nut, but stayed for the story and artwork. 10/10 so far, I have high hopes for the finished product. To review this game, I will first put out there that I had been asked to do so. Not saying I was forced, just asked if it was possible. So here’s my review! The game’s story is different for an erotica. In my perspective, its main theme isn’t trying to be just pornographic, but psychologically horrific. The main character’s childhood buddy and roommate is not just caught, but invited to participate in a rape. After playing the game and taking notice of a few clues, I found out that friend, Didac, was bewitched. That would mean the main character was baited and then coerced into going along indulging in this witch’s game just to save his friend. Also, the way that Didac behaves, it is like an addict searching for the taste of a sweet ambrosia they only ever dreamed about. Can you imagine being told to manipulate your friend to save their life, watching them endure a transformation that had completely fuck with not just their body and head, but even their sexual identity, and now you have to listen and follow this witch’s demands who could possibly do much worse to you? As I initially said, this is different. I can’t dive too deeply into how original this game is when I know where the inspiration came from. So I’m gonna leave that one be. The artwork is pretty cool. I know it is still a WIP, but what has been done is awesome. Just to note, I wanna rant on something. I’ve seen plenty of hate go towards Didac’s design, but I like it. What I hate is when there is expectation for hard bodied guys to get transformed into soft skinned little sissies. I mean, really? This guy was a totally ripped body builder and the transformation went into a realistic design. Wargroove

The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl
The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl

I am completely thankful that this didn’t go with the sex-crazed cliche of those bubbly dumb blondes with basketball tits. Setting that aside, I am glad that the backgrounds are based on real environments. Even though I’ve never been there, this brings in a character of where this all takes place. Not to mention the history of some locales and their landmarks. Pretty cool stuff… I could do with less of the art lessons, though. I will never forget that lightheaded migraine. From me, not much can be said about the sound. I play the game on mute… Sorry. The game does have replayability, but I only have done so to be a completionist. I am aware of four endings and two of them are not so easy to get without trying and trying again for the correct points with the right woman. Plus, I sometimes wanted to see the alternative dialogue. The second date with Neus has several interesting points in their dinner discussions. The performance has been improved upon how it used to play. If you had fast forward or skipped scenes, sometimes the faces couldn’t keep up with the body. As far as I am aware, that had been fixed, and I believe it because I’ve yet to have that scenario repeat itself. There are still some occurrence errors, but those are being weeded out too, so I’m cool with it. Grammar is still being polished, but it is so far great. English is a second language for this game, Spanish being first, so I completely understand the difficulty. In my opinion, if I can comprehend what is being said or going on, I got the picture and am fine with it. There is still more content being added and I am hoping to be still around whenever this game finishes the first storyline. I’d like it a lot if our suggestion for having not Didac but the main protagonist being the one cursed to be picked up afterwards. We are offered that fork in the road within the rape scene (do you join in?) But what is here is neat.

Hot Scene.

I’d suggest some more work on the story and art, less on the mini-games. Those can be distracting by trying to learn them and disrupt the immersion we had from reading into the story. There’s just one little problem. The protagonist is kinda slow. On one day the blonde chick tells you of succubi with glowing eyes that change color and long tongues. On the same day a girl gives you a blowjob with a gigantic tongue while her eyes glow in the dark and you see dark figures in the back while listening to some weird enchantment in Latin, right before you lose your strength, almost fainting with a pain in your back. After all that, the protagonist simply brushes it off and thinks that it was “his imagination”. You can argue that he was perhaps under some kind of spell, but why doesn’t he come to senses when he arrives at home? This is simply unrealistic no matter how you look at it. I also really don’t like the vibe I’m getting from the way the story is progressing. It seems to me the protagonist will eventually ignore the fact that Neus is a succubus and will “love her for who she is”. I’m sorry, but not being a virgin is one thing, having sucked the dick of thousands of other men is another. We’re human and we’re judgmental by nature. We can endure some things but that doesn’t mean it will be the same. Anyone who ever had a girlfriend or wife with a dark past knows what I’m talking about. It’s good to feel special for having someone that very few people in the world had the pleasure to meet. It’s not simply a sense of pride, it gives you the desire to cherish and preserve the person you love. You don’t need to preserve someone that already has seen everything.

Nothing scares her anymore, so why bother? This comes not only from men but from women too. Maybe I’m being a fucking pussy, but I honestly don’t believe love can flourish to its full extent in such extreme circumstances. That’s simply how humans work. However, this is just a quick rant on something that caught my attention. I deducted one star because of the MC being so dense but I’m not going to deduct another star because of something that I THINK will happen. For me, this story deserves a bitter and tragic end. A happy ending with a happy succubus and a happy MC would be too much. Game is pretty good, but I really feel like 90% of it must be based on personal experiences, cause there is way too many beliefs the protagonist and others have, for it to really be an all original idea. Neus is definitely the best character in the game, but because the protagonist is so obsessed with their childhood friend, it’s terrible annoying having to deal with them. Didac deserves what he got. Art is decent, but so inconsistent that it’s crazy this game has about 2 years of life and there’s still placeholders. They can afford to hire different artists with its current inconsistency, so that’s pretty ridiculous. For whatever also reason, Female Didac still looks like a man, even after turning into a female, and it’s just so repulsive having to look at. Doesn’t make any sense either, since there are two female characters that actually look female. Devs and their artist really need to get their eyes checked. All I hear from seeing Didac is Linda’s voice from Bob’s Burgers. Mini games are the worst part.

The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl
The Witch’s Sexual Prison Free Download Unfitgirl

Because of the above, and makes me question how many games the dev has ever played because it’s so out of place and an annoyance for a porn game. Not even sure if I’ll be able to finish the game since I’m trying to get through the first sex with Didac now. The script is pretty darn good as well, as I didn’t run into hardly any spelling/grammar errors… So if this was originally in Spanish and was translated into English, it was a really good translation The plot revolves around a male protagonist at a university, who saves (at least that is the route I went with) a goth looking woman from being practically raped by his room mate… She bites him during the struggle which causes him to slowly change into a woman (over several in-game days)… The main plot really is the protagonist having 3 different women he can have a relationships with, one being his newly transformed room mate. This VN/game sort of plays out like a love/romance story, with 3 different characters I went with the goth woman, who is some sort of witch… The protagonist makes a pact with the witch to go on 3 dates with her in order to fix his room mate… From there I chose to go on the first 2 dates with her (3rd date isn’t made yet), and I really did feel, because of the choices I made, like it was a blossoming love story, which I am a sucker for. actually caught myself smiling while playing this route, because it felt like they were really falling for each other… Now that being said, I did to go for the erotic scene at the end of the 2nd date, and after it was over, the content ended at that point. Smurfs Kart Switch NSP

Add-ons (DLC): The Witch’s Sexual Prison

The Witch’s Sexual Captivity The Witch’s Sexual Captivity for Beta Testing
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
Processor: 1.2 GHz
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card
Storage: 1 GB available space

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
Processor: 1.2 GHz
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card
Storage: 2 GB available space


  1. Open the Start menu (Windows ‘flag’ button) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Search box, then press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab at the top of the Folder Options window and check the option to Show hidden files and folders (in Windows 11, this option is called Show hidden files, folders, and drives).
  4. Click Apply then OK.
  5. Return to the Start menu and select Computer, then double click Local Disk (C:), and then open the Program Files folder. On some systems, this folder is called ‘Program Files(x86)’.
  6. In the Program Files folder, find and open the folder for your game.
  7. In the game’s folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game–this is a faded icon with the game’s title.
  8. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window.
  9. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section. Click Apply then OK.
  10. Once complete, try opening the game again


  1. First you will need YUZU Emulator. Download it from either Unfitgirl, .. Open it in WinRar, 7ZIP idk and then move the contents in a folder and open the yuzu.exe.
  2. There click Emulation -> Configure -> System -> Profile Then press on Add and make a new profile, then close yuzu
    Inside of yuzu click File -> Open yuzu folder. This will open the yuzu configuration folder inside of explorer.
  3. Create a folder called “keys” and copy the key you got from here and paste it in the folder.
  4. For settings open yuzu up Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics, Select OpenGL and set it to Vulkan or OpenGL. (Vulkan seems to be a bit bad atm) Then go to Controls and press Single Player and set it to custom
  5. Then Press Configure and set Player 1 to Pro Controller if you have a controller/keyboard and to Joycons if Joycons. Press Configure and press the exact buttons on your controller After you’re done press Okay and continue to the next step.
  6. Download any ROM you want from Unfitgirl, .. After you got your File (can be .xci or .nsp) create a folder somewhere on your PC and in that folder create another folder for your game.
  7. After that double-click into yuzu and select the folder you put your game folder in.
  8. Lastly double click on the game and enjoy it.

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