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The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl

The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download

The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl

The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl On the seventh day, God rested. On the eighth day, God made Will Wright, who in turn made The Sims. Then presumably somewhere in the universe of The Sims, Sim Will Wright made the version of The Sims they play in The Sims, and that, as they say, is history. The Sims, for those of you who’ve recently awoken from cryogenic stasis, is one of the seminal pc games of all time. It’s a life simulator, where you control families of simulated humans – sims, and lead them along the winding, fraught path of life to whatever bizarre ends your fevered mind can dream up. Its sequel, The Sims 2, is considered a kind of magnum opus of the series and spawned somewhere in the region of one hundred and thirty million DLC’s and stuff packs, and it’s all available for free, until the 31st July on Origin, EA’s distribution software. The reasons behind this remarkable deal are unclear, old or not, and even with fourth installment of the series soon to be released The Sims 2 has weathered the test of time like no other. With all the trimmings it’s close to 13 GB of game, despite being ten years old, and as a giveaway, the offer is almost one of a kind. My guess is that it’s a cheap ploy by EA to try and get Origin to compete with Steam. It won’t work, but cheers anyway EA. Now, it really is quite difficult to make the mind boggling grandness of The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection live for you. By the time Maxis gave up on bringing out expansions for it they had pretty much given you everything you could have ever wanted the game to have, and a whole heap of stuff you never considered but are grateful for anyway. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES

The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl
The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl

To give you a picture of the ridiculous scope of it all, I’m currently sitting here writing this after having slipped for almost twelve hours through a crack in the time-space continuum. The entire day was lost to me and I don’t know how. This of course, is the great irony of the Sims games, which essentially allow you to live the lives of virtual people whilst (arguably) wasting your own. I actually feel physically weak, drained, as if the artificial beings whose existences I’d been haphazardly guiding all day had been sustaining themselves off my own life force. The thing is, if anything there is too much game. You just don’t know what to do first or how on earth you’re going to get round to doing it all, it’s like being a six year old in Toys’R’Us. For starters, some of the DLC features are legitimately nuts. Along with vampires, werewolves, witches, zombies and aliens the Seasons DLC also gives you the wonderfully contrived concept of “plant-sims”. Plant sims! Oh god, come quick. Will Wright’s been injecting liquid ketamine into his fucking eyeballs again. The game teases you with the sheer endlessness of its possibilities and gives you what now feels to be, with my much longer attention span than when I last played a Sims game, a brutally short time frame. If you create an adult sim, you have 29 days until the bleak, mortal prognosis of the Elder stage kicks in. 29 days to achieve all the things you want to with the prime of your little friends life. They could start a business, live it up downtown, go on holiday, go to university, start using magic, get a pet or perhaps spend their life feeding their fellow sims to a giant Venus fly trap.


You’ll probably want them to get married and have children but ha! Sucker! Because as in real life, having children takes up the vast majority of your time from the second they’re born until they finally flee the nest, and you could soon find your sim old and bitter, begrudging their progeny for all the opportunities they made them forgo. Of course if you can accrue the required aspiration points by fulfilling the games various little challenges, you can delay the reaper with the help of a luminous green substance known as the elixir of life. But in a way the game can then just turn into an endless quest to repeatedly fill the quota required to get the potion to not grow old, never truly enjoying your perpetual youth, but rather existing in a loop where all you do is fulfill the banal chores necessary to keep you there. Which when you think about it, is a rather grim, Poe-ian parable. The Sims 2 is, at its worst, a darkly satirical metaphor for life. So many things to do, and one life is too short to do it all. You’re forced to make hard choices on behalf of your sims and they in turn have to make sacrifices. All that they can do is frantically try to fit as much into their lives as possible in the knowledge that soon enough the bell shall toll for thee. Christ. Moving on…. Look, in truth, The Sims 2 is beyond grand, it’s beyond spectacular. It’s at times truly breathtaking, not bad for a game which came out the year Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook. Ultimately my only complaint, in so far as you could call it one is that the game, for all its brilliance, is pure evil. Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition

The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl
The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl

It’s a game which would ultimately take a full human lifetime to play in its entirety, enjoying and seeing everything it has to offer. It’s a game man was not meant to play, stolen from the gods by Will Wright, the Prometheus of the gaming world. And so the core question in this review is as follows: If a game is so good at what it does, so immense and yet so playable that you could feasibly spend your entire life doing nothing else, is it a good game? Or is it a heinous atrocity, a crime against humanity that should be eradicated from the face of the earth before it can do anymore damage? I don’t know the answers, but I think if I can get my sim’s logic skill up high enough he might be able to figure it out, so I’ll get back to you. Although The Sims 2 came out nearly 15 years ago, it still has a dedicated fanbase that insist that it’s the best game in the series. These diehards say that Sims 2 is more alive than its antecedents, and that as long as it continues to run on their computers, they’ll continue to play it. When most adults think of the first Sims game they played, they’re probably thinking about The Sims 2. The Sims 2 came out in 2004, after four years after The Sims was released, and was a smash hit. Although there were not a lot of gameplay changes from the first game, The Sims 2 was more ambitious and also more polished, refining the socialization and worlds from the original. Whereas in The Sims your children would never grow up, in The Sims 2 you could play a family through multiple generations. This kind of life simulation was utterly intoxicating to me as a child, as well as to my older brother, who would look over my shoulder as I played on his saves.


Guzmán Espejo, a 27-year-old Spaniard from Málaga, started playing the first Sims game in about 2003. His cousin had pirated the game, and Espejo’s family spent time with that cousin went they went on vacations. Espejo and his cousin recreated their own family together, and for the next decade, he and his cousin spent the holidays playing The Sims, and later, The Sims 2. By the time that Espejo’s cousin upgraded to The Sims 3, they had both grown up enough that their tradition of playing The Sims together fell off. Not long after, in 2014, Electronic Arts gave away free copies of The Sims 2 Ultimate, a collection that included all of the game’s expansion packs, and Guzmán snatched one up. “Since then, I’ve been hooked, and every five or six months I create a family and play for a while,” Espejo said over email. “For me, The Sims 2 is the game of the holidays of my childhood, so playing it for a few hours brings me back to those easier times.” The pull of nostalgia makes it easy to return to older Sims games. I also started playing The Sims with an older relative, and when I hear the Create-A-Sim music composed by Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh, I feel a pang in my heart, remembering the time we spent together fondly. Other players insist that nostalgia isn’t the only thing keeping them playing The Sims 2. They think it’s the best the series has ever been, and they refuse to give it up. Farming Simulator 15 Gold Edition

The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl
The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl

“There are plenty of things that make the whole Sims franchise special,” Merle Behnke, a 25-year-old student from Münster, Germany, told Kotaku over email. “For me, The Sims 2 is just the best game of the franchise to convey that special-ness.” For Behnke, The Sims 2 was a potent avenue to tell creative fiction, with a lot of freedom for the player to explore any narrative they wanted. “It struck a nice balance between offering details, but still leaving you enough room to spin your own story,” she said. A running theme throughout the responses from those who reached out to Kotaku about The Sims 2 was that it feels more detailed and vibrant than other games in the series. In a game that encompasses everything from zombies to starting a family to becoming famous, it’s hard to describe what, exactly, is the source of that vibrancy. What I always think of is the turn-ons and turn-offs feature. In The Sims 2, Sims didn’t have personality traits, like they do in 3 and 4. Instead, their personalities were defined in part by personality points, turn-ons, turn-offs, and a zodiac sign. Your zodiac sign would give your Sims higher or lower personality points in specific areas, depending on the sign. Virgo Sims are almost totally maxed out in cleanliness, while Scorpio Sims are more active. Compatibilities and clashes in dating were sometimes fueled by astrology, but what mattered more were turn-ons and turn-offs. Your Sims of choice might have compatible signs, but if one of them is turned off by the other’s hair color, that could become a hindrance in your quest for romance. These are characters that are defined by their actions, instead of characters whose actions are defined by arbitrary parameters.


It’s a small difference, but defining Sims by what they like and dislike gave them a more reactive personality than assigning them traits like Vegetarian or Active. The Sims in The Sims 2 respond to their environment, and the other Sims in it. Sometimes, it almost feels like these Sims are directing me, instead of the other way around. “I feel like the best part about The Sims was always making up your own story while playing, a story that was not rooted in the game itself but in your own mind,” Behnke said. “Like, a person who doesn’t know me could look at my Sims game and never know that one family is actually a depiction of my own or that I’m trying to mirror the plot of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary while playing with that other family.” “I think that by putting all your game developing efforts into making the dolls’ characters more three-dimensional, you’re investing in the wrong feature,” she said. “I don’t need an elaborate menu where I can define that my teen is a bookworm. In The Sims 2 I would just put tons of bookcases in her room and make her read a lot—simple as that.” For some fans, it isn’t just about the game itself. It’s about Maxis. Although the studio was acquired by EA in 1997, Maxis’s longtime studio in Walnut Creek, California didn’t close until 2004, the year that The Sims 2 came out. By 2005, Maxis’s founder Will Wright was focusing his attention on Spore, and once that game tanked, he left the studio in 2009. For people who grew up playing SimCity, the second in the series is the last game that feels like it has the unique sense of humor and personal touches from a revered studio.

The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl
The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection Free Download Unfitgirl

“The Sims 2 I think was the last really Maxis-y game,” Scott Hussey, a 42-year-old graphic designer, said over email. “It had that weird sense of humor that both took itself too seriously and not seriously at all (I’m looking at you, uncountable llama references).” The Sims 2 has lived a long and productive life. It was born, it made lots of friends, it worked at H&M for a period , and now it’s ready to retire. In an email sent out to Sims 2 owners, EA claim that the game will “lose technical support” next week, on 22 July. As a concession to the game’s owners, all copies registered digitally through Origin will be upgraded to the Ultimate Collection—a complete edition containing every expansion pack and “stuff pack” released for almost 10-year-old game. “Your current version of The Sims 2 will lose technical support on 22 July 2014,” wrote EA in an email, published on NeoGAF . “We want you to have the most up-to-date version of The Sims 2 in your collection, so you will see a brand new addition to your Origin library: The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection.”

EA provide more info in a new FAQ page on their site. “The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection is going out to gamers right now,” they write. “Everyone who had a digital copy of The Sims 2 will find the Ultimate Collection in their library within the next 5 days.” Hopefully the move will also prompt EA to actually sell the Ultimate Collection, too. The Sims 2 is, of course, a classic—despite its long and bizarre history of expansions—and it seems strange that it’s not available for digital purchase. Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition

Add-ons (DLC):The Sims 2 – The Ultimate Collection

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
CPU: Pentium III or Athlon
CPU SPEED: 800 MHz with a T&L capable Video Card (2.0 GHz without Hardware T&L Video Card)
RAM: 256 MB
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
VIDEO CARD: 32 MB 3D accelerated video card (NVIDIA GeForce2/ATI Radeon VE/Intel Extreme Graphics or better)
3D: Yes
DIRECTX VERSION: 8.1 (included)
DVD-ROM: 8X DVD-ROM (This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with some CD/DVD-ROM, CD/DVD-RW and virtual drives.)

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
CPU: Pentium 4 or Athlon XP
RAM: 512 MB
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
VIDEO CARD: 64 MB 3D accelerated video card (NVIDIA GeForce3/ATI Radeon 8500/Intel Extreme Graphics 2 or better)
3D: Yes
DIRECTX VERSION: 8.1 (included)
DVD-ROM: 8X DVD-ROM (This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with some CD/DVD-ROM, CD/DVD-RW and virtual drives.)


  1. Open the Start menu (Windows ‘flag’ button) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Search box, then press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab at the top of the Folder Options window and check the option to Show hidden files and folders (in Windows 11, this option is called Show hidden files, folders, and drives).
  4. Click Apply then OK.
  5. Return to the Start menu and select Computer, then double click Local Disk (C:), and then open the Program Files folder. On some systems, this folder is called ‘Program Files(x86)’.
  6. In the Program Files folder, find and open the folder for your game.
  7. In the game’s folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game–this is a faded icon with the game’s title.
  8. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window.
  9. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section. Click Apply then OK.
  10. Once complete, try opening the game again


  1. First you will need YUZU Emulator. Download it from either Unfitgirl, .. Open it in WinRar, 7ZIP idk and then move the contents in a folder and open the yuzu.exe.
  2. There click Emulation -> Configure -> System -> Profile Then press on Add and make a new profile, then close yuzu
    Inside of yuzu click File -> Open yuzu folder. This will open the yuzu configuration folder inside of explorer.
  3. Create a folder called “keys” and copy the key you got from here and paste it in the folder.
  4. For settings open yuzu up Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics, Select OpenGL and set it to Vulkan or OpenGL. (Vulkan seems to be a bit bad atm) Then go to Controls and press Single Player and set it to custom
  5. Then Press Configure and set Player 1 to Pro Controller if you have a controller/keyboard and to Joycons if Joycons. Press Configure and press the exact buttons on your controller After you’re done press Okay and continue to the next step.
  6. Download any ROM you want from Unfitgirl, .. After you got your File (can be .xci or .nsp) create a folder somewhere on your PC and in that folder create another folder for your game.
  7. After that double-click into yuzu and select the folder you put your game folder in.
  8. Lastly double click on the game and enjoy it.

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