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Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

Ikai PS5 Free Download

Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl The subgenre of Japanese horror has been seeing a bit of a resurgence as of late, and that’s not a bad thing at all. We’ve seen it all: Fatal Frame made a small return, with Maiden of Black Water being ported over to modern systems. Ghostwire: Tokyo delved heavily into Japanese folklore, meshing it with a modern urban setting. One could even argue that Nioh made the cut as well, with some awesome enemy designs and really tense moments. Ikai, from Endflame and PM Studios, is the latest horror title to follow this excerpt to attempt to deliver a properly scary experience. Key word here being “attempt”. In Ikai, you play as Naoko, a priestess of a shrine she is looking after whilst the main priest is away. Whilst doing one of her routine jobs, something goes incredibly wrong, and monsters start to invade the temple. You will spend much of the game’s runtime finding ways to seal these yōkai away, trying to return everything back to normal. Ikai is pretty light on story, with no big cinematics or important plot points. It actually delivers most of its narrative information during some really exposition-heavy segments. Much of the gameplay is spent simply exploring the temple grounds in a relatively short two to three hour long story. Within this small single location, you will be solving puzzles, and running and hiding away from the aforementioned yōkai, who will murder you pretty quickly if you get caught. It’s a basic premise for a horror game, and it will do nothing to wow you. The controls aren’t that great either, especially when interacting with doors and other objects. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES

Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

Puzzles are fairly standard, often ranging from something as simple (and brain-dead) as moving an object in the environment to things a bit more obtuse and exploration-focused. Those were the game’s “highlights”, as they forced me to comb through the map for a clue I needed in order to progress. They comprised the largest bulk of what Ikai had to offer, and certainly won’t be for everyone. Some will call them overly frustrating, while others will appreciate the sensation of accomplishment once finally getting the solution. Your enjoyment of this game may very well depend on how much you enjoy solving puzzles in general. Ikai was pretty tense from the moment I booted it up, up until the very end. The shrine was very well-designed, and the yōkai roaming the place were actually way creepier than I could have expected from a game like this. With that being said, the game never managed to scare me, even once. I shrugged off and even laughed at some of Ikai‘s attempts at throwing a jump scare at me. The yōkai, while creepy, never felt like a threat, as it was pretty easy to run away from them. Other sequences involving stealth were heavily scripted, with the game telling you where I needed to go. Visually Ikai isn’t that ugly of a game. It actually boasts some really good yōkai designs, leaning more closely to more traditional styles than those we have been seeing in more recent Japanese horror games. The central location, the aforementioned shrine, is also well-crafted. However, I couldn’t help but feel like the game was lacking in detail at times. Furthermore, I have noticed some framerate, input lag and loading time issues when playing game on my Xbox One X. The sound department was just average. The soundtrack and sound effects were decent enough, but the game eventually lost me with its underwhelming voice acting.


Ikai was a horror title I was actually really looking forward to. A game steeped in Japanese folklore in a self contained location could (and to be fair, should) have made for an absolutely terrifying and unique experience. However, it just didn’t manage to make the cut: its short runtime, generic gameplay loop and complete lack of scares resulted in a really underwhelming and, more often than not, frustrating, horror title you should avoid. I’ve always found Japanese horror particularly effective when it comes to the psychological side of the genre. Ikai looks to provide precisely that, with a story set in feudal Japan. You play as a young priestess, Naoko who finds her shrine beset by demonic yokai after she falls unconscious. While the story itself isn’t especially engrossing, the material is here for a gripping horror experience. On some platforms that may be what you find, unfortunately this Switch release comes with a lot of compromises. The bulk of Ikai’s gameplay takes place in and around a small shrine deep in the woods. The environment is surprisingly mazelike and presents plenty of opportunities for getting turned around. After a brief introduction you’ll begin taking on malevolent spirits one after another as you seek to cleanse them from this once peaceful shrine. You don’t have any traditional weapons, so most encounters come down to some exploration and perhaps some light puzzle solving before ultimately needing to put enough distance between yourself and an enemy so that you can create a seal. Creating seals isn’t a particularly deep mechanic, but it is perhaps the most unique thing you’ll be asked to do. At key points you’ll use your controller to write out a specific symbol on a scroll. This feels an awful lot like any Mario Party minigame in which you need to trace a specific shape, and it works about as well. That being said, you do feel a real sense of tension as you scramble to complete it with a demonic creature banging around on the other side of a wall. Spaceflight Simulator

Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

The yokai themselves are mostly well designed. Some translate better than others from classical illustration into 3D models, but the net perception is positive. Throughout the journey you’ll find hidden pages containing lore on each one and a more traditional illustration. They’re varied as well, making each one visually unique, even if gameplay usually amounts to just hiding and running. The story is told better through environments than spoken dialogue. All of Naoko’s lines are delivered with a level of deadpan obliviousness that causes some scenes to veer into borderline comedy. She comes off as being drugged or half asleep for most of her lines. That being said, the rest of the sound design is quite excellent. It is consistently unnerving with everything from subtle twig snaps to eerie cries from the dark. It’s an effective soundscape, especially with headphones. At least, that is, so long as Naoko herself isn’t ruining the mood. Despite a few faults, I’d generally consider Ikai on the better end of linear horror games like this, largely thanks to its excellent atmosphere. However, the Switch version really doesn’t deliver on the underlying design. The resolution is extremely low and the image is always muddy regardless of whether you’re playing docked or handheld. Frame rate, likewise, always hangs very low. The combination of these two issues makes exploring the world a real chore. If you’re sensitive to frame rates, especially in first-person games, this is one of those that will likely leave you with a headache after extended play sessions.


This leaves me with what I feel is a very different impression of Ikai than I’d have playing it on other platforms. Poor resolution and performance make moving through the world an annoyance. And unfortunately that’s the entire gameplay loop. Even just catching a glimpse of an enemy can be hard from far away given the resolution, and effectively navigating the halls of the shrine to escape is much more difficult at twenty frames per second. So while I could forgive some of the more repetitive encounters and lackluster voice acting, everything compounds into a very unimpressive showing. This isn’t necessarily a bad game, but I’d strongly suggest playing it elsewhere if possible. Some games are challenging by design. They require split-second combo moves, are unforgiving with mistakes, and contain punishing enemies you must battle again and again to learn how to overcome them. They offer no help. They are demanding. Some games, however, are not challenging because they are demanding but because they are confounding. Ikai, now out for the Switch, is one of those games. In Ikai, you are an assistant shrine priestess in ye olden times. While the priest is away, there’s an outbreak of spirits (all based on Japanese folklore), and it’s up to you to bust ‘em. Spec Ops: The Line 

Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

Your only tool is the ability to paint sigils that will banish the creatures, which requires you to walk or, in emergencies, perform a slight trot to carry you from room to room in your shrine, avoiding the ghosts until you can overcome them. That’s a fine premise for horror. Games like Alien: Isolation and Fatal Frame make hay out of reversing the power fantasy of most video games, giving you the heebie-jeebies by putting the player in a situation where you can’t win by fighting, but by hiding or standing still. Where Ikai stumbles is that while it puts you in the situation of being in a feudal-era shrine fighting creatures from folklore, it forgets that I have no idea what it means to be in a feudal-era shrine fighting creatures from mythology. It doesn’t so much throw you in the pool’s deep end, it blindfolds you, throws you in a bag, spins you around several times, and then throws you into an empty swimming pool with no ladders. I get what they’re going for; the iterative process of a Souls-like game where you keep trying and trying until you finally have an “a-ha!” moment that allows you to finally overcome your foe. But it doesn’t feel like a Souls game, it feels like one of those insane point and click adventures where you have to put the fish in the bird feeder so that the cuckoo will drop the rainbow sticker on that one you can paint back using the bucket of tar then wear as a mustache to fool the guard at the book store.


Concentrate on drawing protective seals over the strange sounds and events happening around The biggest difficulty of the game is simply knowing what you’re supposed to do. You start Ikai helping your master by making sigils using a simple drawing mechanic: you pick up the pen and match the pattern on the paper. After that, you have to sweep the shrine. Okay. But,where’s the broom? Good question. There are several doors in the room, and if you go out any of them to find the broom, you can easily get lost as you roam the compound. Is there a map? There is not. Okay, you’ve found the broom and swept. Now you need to take the laundry to the river. Where’s the laundry? Good question. This is undoubtedly something this character would know, but the game offers you no direction, nor is it helpful as a way to learn the layout of the shrine. Okay, now I’ve managed to find the laundry. I have no idea where I am in relation to the first room, but I have to take it to the river. Where’s the river? Outside. How do I get outside? Good question. By wandering about, I eventually find a door that has a sliding puzzle on it because of course it does. The whole game is like this—stumbling about from location to location, encountering things that might be puzzles but might just be random objects you can interact with. When you finally need a brush and paper, you’ll have to go through room after room of drawers and boxes that can be opened but contain nothing before finally ending up in the correct room where you might, through trial and error, figure out the right object to move next to the right shelf.

Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Ikai PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

The narration is also terrible. Occasionally, your character will chip in with unhelpful reminders like “I can’t wash the laundry in standing water” or say absolutely confusing things like “Leave the rock on the right.” What does that mean? Pick up a rock and leave it on the right? Don’t pick up the rock on the right? Is there a rock there? Why can’t I see a rock? What am I supposed to be doing with this friggin’ rock? No, what it means is “follow this path, making sure that this particular boulder stays to your right.” The monsters you face range from actually frightening to goofy. Pulled from Japanese folklore, the cultural dissonance can be effective when confronted with otherworldly creatures that look like they were designed by David Cronenberg. But then you run into giant heads that drop out of trees with all the terror of the Monty Python foot. In the spirit of making progress for the review, I turned to a walkthrough for Ikai, which simply made me angrier as I learned what I was expected to figure out to play the game. First, I followed the directions to get the brush and paper, but they weren’t there. Then I remembered I picked them up because I found them while wandering around looking for laundry. Now I might have known that from checking my inventory, except there isn’t an inventory for everyday objects in the game, only for the collectibles you run across that explain some cultural aspect of feudal Japan and the creatures you’ll run across. Spider Man Game (2000)

I am a scaredy-cat. But Ikai didn’t overwhelm my sense of terror as it overtaxed my patience. The confusing design, lack of direction, and frankly-twenty-year-old graphics create a “game” that isn’t horror, it’s just horrible. Rumors have spread even through the most skeptical villagers, giving way to fear and hysteria. It’s not just a matter of gossip this time. The blood-stained leaves indicate that evil creatures are getting closer and closer to humans. It is believed that a new demon has turned up in the underworld. Its will is to cross the doorway into our world as soon as it finds what it is looking for. Such a situation requires the priest to head to the village, leaving the shrine under his niece’s control, the priestess. The crowd’s fear hasn’t reached the shrine far away in the mountains, where the priestess, Naoko, works as usual, too busy to worry. Sweeping and sweeping, time goes by, with or without the priest. Without giving much importance to this sort of demon and ghost stories she ascribes to fearful children, Naoko leaves the shrine to get to the river before it gets dark. Villagers’ dreads seem to take shape in the gloomy forest. She keeps walking, increasingly tense, until her doubts are dispelled; but not her fears. She soon loses consciousness of her soul and body and falls to the ground; almost dead, almost alive. The shrine’s bell screams for help, but it is no longer a sacred place. All Gods have gone, giving way to monsters, ghosts and spirits.

Note: This game will only run on consoles with the original firmware that are connected to the PSN online account and purchased the game from PSN.

Add-ons (DLC):Ikai PS5

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
CPU: 8x Zen 2 Cores at 3.5GHz with SMT (variable frequency).
GPU: 10.28 teraflops with 36 compute units at 2.23GHz (variable frequency).
RAM: 16GB GDDR6/256-bit .
Internal Storage: 3.76 GB SSD.
Expandable Storage: NVMe SSD Slot
Optical Drive: 4K UHD Blu-ray Drive.

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system


  1. Open the Start menu (Windows ‘flag’ button) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Search box, then press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab at the top of the Folder Options window and check the option to Show hidden files and folders (in Windows 11, this option is called Show hidden files, folders, and drives).
  4. Click Apply then OK.
  5. Return to the Start menu and select Computer, then double click Local Disk (C:), and then open the Program Files folder. On some systems, this folder is called ‘Program Files(x86)’.
  6. In the Program Files folder, find and open the folder for your game.
  7. In the game’s folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game–this is a faded icon with the game’s title.
  8. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window.
  9. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section. Click Apply then OK.
  10. Once complete, try opening the game again


  1. First you will need YUZU Emulator. Download it from either Unfitgirl, .. Open it in WinRar, 7ZIP idk and then move the contents in a folder and open the yuzu.exe.
  2. There click Emulation -> Configure -> System -> Profile Then press on Add and make a new profile, then close yuzu
    Inside of yuzu click File -> Open yuzu folder. This will open the yuzu configuration folder inside of explorer.
  3. Create a folder called “keys” and copy the key you got from here and paste it in the folder.
  4. For settings open yuzu up Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics, Select OpenGL and set it to Vulkan or OpenGL. (Vulkan seems to be a bit bad atm) Then go to Controls and press Single Player and set it to custom
  5. Then Press Configure and set Player 1 to Pro Controller if you have a controller/keyboard and to Joycons if Joycons. Press Configure and press the exact buttons on your controller After you’re done press Okay and continue to the next step.
  6. Download any ROM you want from Unfitgirl, .. After you got your File (can be .xci or .nsp) create a folder somewhere on your PC and in that folder create another folder for your game.
  7. After that double-click into yuzu and select the folder you put your game folder in.
  8. Lastly double click on the game and enjoy it.

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