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Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl Bassmaster Fishing 2022 then. Coming to us from Dovetail Games, dev and publisher of the Train Simulator games, this is a competitive fishing game writ large as only America knows how. The back of a fag packet scribble for this is NASCAR and Sega Bass Fishing made a baby. Even down to the TV coverage and jumpsuits with sponsors splashed all over them. The real-life Bassmaster promotion is run by B.A.S.S. LLC, that rather cumbersome backronym standing for Bass Anglers Sportsman Society. From what we can tell, the game loosely follows the qualifying format of the actual series, the celebrity endorsement being a bloke called Scott Martin. He’s not actually won the series yet, but his dad won it nineteen times, so yer man Scott “has his sights set firmly on fulfilling his family legacy”. Scott, apparently, has had a fair bit of input into the game too, though quite what aspects we’re not sure. Practically you have a powerboat that’s also your fishing platform to cast from. You can choose from a number of preset rod and tackle loadouts to suit a particular situation, though we found that an offshore setup did the trick pretty well in most situations. You only really need to get into specific loadouts for particular fish, though we wondered why blue catfish proved so elusive. It turned out they were impossible to catch until a post-release patch. That’d be it. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

One thing we noticed compared to other fishing games we’ve put plenty of hours into, your camera angle underwater is strictly fixed off to an oblique angle. Not to mention the fact that the fish radar mechanic is barely explained in the tutorial. We guess it’s sorta showing the general area, but the specifics aren’t explained at all. We’d like a glossary that helps with stuff like this as it’s not the only thing that the game lets you get on with without nothing more than a perfunctory mention. Fishing is generally solid throughout with two casting methods, easy or a bit more technical. The game doesn’t insist on either, so we went with the slightly more straightforward / casting option. The idea is you get on your boat and head into the waterway you’re fishing on, find fish via the radar and move on. What we found actually happened was we found a sweet spot and sat there for a half hour fishing. This is all well and good when you’re catching all fish species for counts and cumulative length, but once you get to the matches where the species types are limited to specific bass types, you’re going to be in trouble. The bass aspect comes into play, typically limited to largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass. Pull out a striped or white bass and you’re out of luck just like in the real tournament. They don’t even add up to your count of overall bass caught either, somewhat infuriatingly. This is especially annoying given the trophy for catching a thousand bass(!). It’s more galling when you have a large cluster of fish and every bloody fish but the one you’re after is biting at your bait. The unfortunately named black and white crappies are rather appropriately named. At least each location has a trophy for catching all the fish species there as well as getting 250 total caught fish.

Fish AI and movement

Additionally there’s legendary fish that appear to trigger randomly in each location. They’re always the one fish variety and they have a distinct name. We can understand a voracious predator having a nickname and being known among fishermen, but it’s a bit odd pulling out a bass with the same name as someone’s cousin. We get it, ‘Murica. But still. Talking of America, you can pick several sponsors. Your performance in matches gets you a better rating up to five stars on each. Though for reasons we can’t entirely ascertain, the ratings on your sponsors seem erratic. We’re not sure if your scores decay over time, but it isn’t clear even if they do. You’re supposedly able to get a hundred percent discount on their gear but despite having it on one sponsor, we found ourselves unable to fully take advantage. Largely due to the fact that you can’t jump straight to their gear and fill your boots. You have to go into select loadout and create a new rod, hoping that the supplier is among the various rods, lures and reels etc. It’s a frustrating experience. Think an off-the-shelf SAP ERP implementation without zero customisations configured. Streamlined it ain’t. You can practice in each venue, but in career mode the matches are a half hour minimum. In real time too. We’ve found ourselves using the suspend function on our PS5 far more than we have since we bought it. Especially when we played two part tournaments that you can’t resume after one round has completed. No, we don’t get that either. This just means you play for ages longer than you necessarily mean to. Getting on for thirty hours and counting here. Regarding the matches, you’ll unlock the next one in sequence even if you don’t actually catch a single fish. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

As we’re typing up this paragraph we’re in a species count match and we’ve literally not caught one fish. After having written this we caught one fish in the dying seconds of the round. One. Damn. Fish. Given we beat the previous tournament with a dominant performance, we can’t help but wonder whether Bassmaster Fishing 2022 is buggy or born this way. At any rate, it’s as much fun as a turgid visual novel about feelings. This is especially maddening when your fish radar shows loads in your vicinity but in the underwater view you’re just looking at murky depths. It feels like the game is fucking with you sometimes. Moreso when you’re reeling in and your line gets snagged on weeds. Most annoyingly, for a game so obsessed with stats, the stats tracking is generally pretty poor. While there’s a PS5 version, Bassmaster Fishing 2022 makes zero use of the tracking available on PS5 trophies. Instead you have to check the menus in-game and even then they’re lacking in granular detail unless you go into the species list and add them up manually or start a spreadsheet. We’re seriously considering doing the latter to keep track, as BF2022 sure as hell isn’t helping in that regard. While you’re in a match you’ll have a handy summary of what you’ve caught, but when you return to the career menus the fish caught hasn’t updated at all since the first fifty. And we’re on more than five hundred caught fish. We thought that succumbing to the incessant nagging to log-in to Dovetail Live would yield more stats as promised, but no, upon viewing the website on a PC you just get marketing bumph and precious little integration. You get master challenges, but these too are glitchy. Not a great look.

Gameplay fundamentals

One bright side, the twangy guitar music you have in the menu screens is blissfully absent during gameplay. That said, you could do with putting a CD on or using Spotify to listen to music yourself, we found Mall Grab & Ross From Friends fit the mood perfectly in that regard. Maybe 6Music on DAB. In conclusion then, Bassmaster Fishing 2022 is a solid enough fishing game but the haphazard stat tracking and zero use of PS5 trophy tracking is a maddening omission. This is the perfect game to play during a boring Teams meeting as you’re hardly going to get too excited and give the game away that you’re playing. Not being able to pause a tournament halfway through can make sessions a drawn out affair, moreso if fish aren’t biting. If you’ll excuse us, we’ve a spreadsheet to set up. I fancy myself a bit of a fisherman, as I enjoy hanging out with my dad or brother and just casting out in the summer. I’ve also enjoyed a few fishing games, particularly Sega Bass Fishing on the Dreamcast. So I was down to cover Bassmaster 2022, as I heard it was a particularly deep fishing game. This is quite true, as it’s as close to fishing as you’ll ever get from your living room. There are a few distinct modes to play in Bassmaster Fishing 2022, depending on what you want to do. There’s a freestyle Venue mode, where you can just choose a location and fish to your heart’s content– a nice break from the tournaments you can partake in or just your daily grind. Then there’s the more structured Career mode, where you participate in a variety of different tournaments with different goals, like catching the most bass or a list of specific different fish. You work your way up the ladder through these different tournaments, starting at the college level, until you’re the best fisherperson in the land. I like the variety available here, in that the objectives aren’t the same for every single tourney, and as I said before, you can always jump back into Venue mode if you need a break. Sid Meier’s Civilization V

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

The gameplay itself is stunningly realistic, as this is definitely the closest thing to fishing on the gaming market. You get to make your own angler, with the possibility of making some truly goofy avatars, which I always appreciate. Then, you jump in your boat and drive to wherever you want to fish. You adjust how far you want to cast, and then let loose. Though you can see your lure underwater, I think that’s a positive despite the lessened realism, as it makes the fishing itself feel just a bit more exciting. “The DualSense vibration does add a fair bit of immersion to the reeling experience, which seems like a small touch but is still a lot of fun.“ This is a big deal, as a lot of Bassmaster 2022 can be very slow and uneventful. You won’t catch something on every cast, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you may not catch anything for a good half an hour. Depending on your level of patience, this could understandably be a dealbreaker, as not everyone has the time or willingness to take on the slow fishing process. If you do enjoy this slow burn, it’s quite relaxing, but if you don’t, this isn’t a particularly arcade-y fishing game. The DualSense vibration does add a fair bit of immersion to the reeling experience, which seems like a small touch but is still a lot of fun.Visually, Bassmaster 2022 looks pretty slick. The fish look just like they do in real life, the venues can be great to look at, and the lighting is quite nice. There are some visual pop-ins while you drive around in your boat, but it’s not really a big deal since it’s only in background areas that you can’t actually visit.Bassmaster Fishing 2022 is split into the usual Dovetail sections, with separate lobbies for pleasure fishing, online fishing and the career mode. Alongside these, there are the usual options for checking out the history of your chosen angler, the place to get new tackle and equip it, and the section that allows you to modify your angler to make sure they look as close as possible to yourself.

Career Mode

It’ll be the Career mode where you should start, and it is a pleasure to see a structured approach to this, based on, I assume, the way that top anglers come up through the ranks. You start off as a lowly newbie in the College League, and have to beat off all the competition in order to progress to the next level, the Open Championship, before finally making it to the Bassmaster top table. Now, for those of us who aren’t American, let me explain my biggest issue with these contests. I don’t doubt that these are based on the real rules from the proper contest, but to me, they are just a bit strange. In a lake full of different species of fish, there are only two or three types that actually count in these contests, and I can’t see why. You see, if it’s not a Largemouth, Smallmouth or Spotted bass, they don’t count in these contests. As an example, in one of the College League matches, my first two casts produced Striped Bass of 27lbs. In a contest based on total weight, with 55lbs delivered in the first two fish, how could I lose? And yet lose I did, as Striped Bass (despite being Bass) didn’t count. So, my top tip to you is to check the eligibility before you start off, and only try to catch the “correct” fish. So, Career is good fun, if somewhat challenging, as singling out particular fish can be tricky. The pleasure fishing side of Bassmaster Fishin 22 is a lot easier, as you can catch whatever you fancy; this is a good place to learn the sneaky hangouts for the fish. As luck would have it, where you find fish as you cast out for pleasure is usually where they are found in the competitive modes as well, so time spent getting to know the lakes can be time well spent.

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl
Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5 Free Download Unfitgirl

The layout of the lakes is exactly as it is in real life too, and I know this as I was able to use a real map of the area to find my way back to the start area of a contest, being able to relate where the internet map showed the location as to the location in-game, so there is a big tick for the realism of the game here. If you do find a hotspot, you can drop markers to find them next time, and these markers are present for you whichever mode you are in. Again, a big help. This mode is helpful not only in terms of locating fish, but also in seeing if they have a preference for a certain lure, and a certain type of retrieve on that lure. It’s all useful intelligence. The big change here from other Dovetail fishing games comes in the form of the Bassmaster Royale mode. Yes, as you may have guessed from the name, it’s a take on the overplayed Battle Royale modes available in other games. Luckily, if you get cut in this game, it’s not a death sentence. Each match is 40 minutes long, and there are regular cuts made to the original field of 60 players; the first after 10 minutes, and so on. As long as you keep catching fish, it’s all gravy. These matches are also cross-platform and this appears to be working well, with no shortage of players. The addition of a time limit focuses the mind wonderfully, and the tension is palpable – should you stick it out where you are, or up anchor and motor off to pastures new, but not be able to be fishing while you do so? Or you could do what many folk seem to do, and if someone is winning, there’s a tactic in place that sees them drive up as close as possible to them and try and steal their fish. Bad sportsmanship, is what I call it. Singularity

Graphically, Bassmaster Fishing 2022 is extremely accurate in terms of the real life fishing destinations, and the rest of the graphics are up to snuff as well. This time around you can watch the lure underwater and not only see how the fish react to it, but also look around to see if fish are in the area. The thrill of seeing fish come charging in and grab your lure is very real, and this is a great addition to those which have gone before Bassmaster. However, the fish, while they look great when they are behaving normally, do wig out on a regular basis, when they appear to be vertical, either head up or head down, in the water. I’ve even seen fish vertical with their tails out of the water!. Yes, this does make it easy to locate them, admittedly, but it just doesn’t look right.

Note: This game will only run on consoles with the original firmware that are connected to the PSN online account and purchased the game from PSN.

Add-ons (DLC):Bassmaster Fishing 2022 PS5

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
CPU: 8x Zen 2 Cores at 3.5GHz with SMT (variable frequency).
GPU: 10.28 teraflops with 36 compute units at 2.23GHz (variable frequency).
RAM: 16GB GDDR6/256-bit .
Internal Storage: 16.29 GB SSD.
Expandable Storage: NVMe SSD Slot
Optical Drive: 4K UHD Blu-ray Drive.

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system


  1. Open the Start menu (Windows ‘flag’ button) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Search box, then press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab at the top of the Folder Options window and check the option to Show hidden files and folders (in Windows 11, this option is called Show hidden files, folders, and drives).
  4. Click Apply then OK.
  5. Return to the Start menu and select Computer, then double click Local Disk (C:), and then open the Program Files folder. On some systems, this folder is called ‘Program Files(x86)’.
  6. In the Program Files folder, find and open the folder for your game.
  7. In the game’s folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game–this is a faded icon with the game’s title.
  8. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window.
  9. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section. Click Apply then OK.
  10. Once complete, try opening the game again


  1. First you will need YUZU Emulator. Download it from either Unfitgirl, .. Open it in WinRar, 7ZIP idk and then move the contents in a folder and open the yuzu.exe.
  2. There click Emulation -> Configure -> System -> Profile Then press on Add and make a new profile, then close yuzu
    Inside of yuzu click File -> Open yuzu folder. This will open the yuzu configuration folder inside of explorer.
  3. Create a folder called “keys” and copy the key you got from here and paste it in the folder.
  4. For settings open yuzu up Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics, Select OpenGL and set it to Vulkan or OpenGL. (Vulkan seems to be a bit bad atm) Then go to Controls and press Single Player and set it to custom
  5. Then Press Configure and set Player 1 to Pro Controller if you have a controller/keyboard and to Joycons if Joycons. Press Configure and press the exact buttons on your controller After you’re done press Okay and continue to the next step.
  6. Download any ROM you want from Unfitgirl, .. After you got your File (can be .xci or .nsp) create a folder somewhere on your PC and in that folder create another folder for your game.
  7. After that double-click into yuzu and select the folder you put your game folder in.
  8. Lastly double click on the game and enjoy it.

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